
Want to order any of these resources? Contact us:

Voter Protection Brochure

A comprehensive, printable voter protection brochure on who can vote, how to register, how to vote, and common problems on Election Day. Important information for California voters.


Poster about why your vote matters, and how you can get information on voting eligibility.

Power of Voting Brochure

Brochure about why your vote matters, how voting rights were restricted for people of color, and why certain races are especially important to people with a criminal conviction.

Power of Voting Brochure Insert

Brochure Insert for the “Why Your Vote Matters” brochure, explaining exactly how to register, how to learn about issues and candidates, and how to vote on Election Day.

Graphic Palm Card

Graphic palm card reminding people with criminal convictions when they can vote. Short answer? Almost always!

FAQs (Voting)

Frequently Asked Questions about the laws and rules of voting in California.

Jail Voting

The vast majority of adult citizens in California county jails have the right to vote, yet these voters experience unique obstacles when they reach for the ballot box. As a result, many eligible voters are disenfranchised each election purely because they are in jail. This toolkit describes strategies that concerned community advocates, county elections offices, and sheriffs can use to break down barriers to democracy by helping people in county jails to register and vote.

This project is a collaboration between ACLU of Northern California, ACLU of Southern California, and the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund, as well as our partners at the Alameda Public Defender’s Office, A New Way of Life Reentry Project, Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, Pillars of the Community, and the Santa Cruz County Elections Office.

Jail Voting Toolkit

Jail Voting Resource Bank